Steam Stones Shiazo 100g (Banana)

Stones Shisha Banana - 'Shiazo' are small mineral stones, which are impregnated with a liquid flavored and can be smoked in hookah without tobacco. Similar to evaporation. 'Shiazo' produces smoke, the smoke produced by the combustion of organic substances. 'Shiazo' there are no heavy metals or carbon monoxide, then 'Shiazo' is comparable to an electronic cigarette without nicotine and does not fall under the smoking ban law. There is no tobacco tax collected and the use in public buildings.

The 'Shiazo' are 100% natural. These are prepared in the course of the manufacturing process that the diameter of the pores of the mineral under a nanometer is large and consequently the effective surface area is 20,000 times the size of its original. The shisha bowl should not be overfilled. The liquid of the hookah stones is brought to the point by heating aromatic vapors.

Steam Stones Shiazo 100g (Banana)

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