
  • Dexso Gas 500ml

    100% pure organic Dexso Gas 500ml Zero Impurities!
    A gas that is completely tasteless and therefore ideal for the extraction of BHO / Wax, without which it forms a gas residues.
    We recommend only aluminum, steel or Glasextraktoren with this gas to use in other extractors as the Honeybee or the Queenbee it is possible that may peel off plastic.

    Dexso contains 99.99% pure dimethyl ether.
    Dimethyl ether is a completely non-toxic and organic gas, and the 0.01% impurities are not toxic.
    It is non-toxic and non-carcinogenic and harmful to the environment. Dimethyl ether is used as the extraction solvent in the food industry and for various uses in the medical industry.

    A Swiss stock!

    Warning Danger: Extremely flammable aerosol. Container is under pressure. Can burst when heated. Keep out of the reach of children. From heat, hot surfaces, keep sparks, flames and other sources of ignition. Do not smoke. Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition sources. Do not breathe! Protect from sunlight.

    Single doses dispose of with household waste: disposal. Dispose of larger quantity of as hazardous waste.

  • Newport Gas 250 ml

    The number 1 Butane Gas in Europe

    Newport zero butane is Extra Purified Near Zero Impurities Gas - Perfect to use with Turboflame Lighters,Refilling Butane Lighters, other Butane-Powered Products And other personal needs!

    Newport Zero Ultra Refined Butane is made in the United Kingdom in the Keen plant, their flagship product, and bears the Near Zero logo. The label states that it is extra purified butane gas. Newport butane is comparable to Colibri, Stok, and Lucienne.

    The first major butane from Keen to feature the Near Zero Impurities logo from Keen Newport is synonymous with high quality. The cap on the Newport bottle is among the most innovative in the industry. It features an astonishing 8 different adapter tips ensuring that a snug fit into any butane receptor or device. More than that though the cap also provides 2 additional flints for use in a variety of different lighters. If you're looking for a tried and true butane trusted by thousands of consumers from a leading manufacturer in the industry then you really need look no further.

  • Aeros Gas DME 99,9...
    Aeros Gas DME 99,9 (500ml)
  • Twistedlabs N-Butane
    Twistedlabs N-Butane

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